EAST Pitching/QB Velocity Capacity SUMMER 2 Day STAT Combine Clinic
Coaches: Gardy O'Flynn
Gardy was a former pitcher in the Texas Rangers organization from 1993 to 1997 when he had the privilege of being coached by Tom House (National Pitching Association Founder). He has maintained a relationship with Tom and first became an NPA coach in 2008. Gardy was named 2018 ABCA Pitching Teaching Pro of the Year and was in Sports Illustrated for his work in helping develop NFL QBs. O’Flynn founded Pitching Fix in Ipswich, MA in 2008 and National QB in 2019, he is also the throwing specialist and program designer for Ken Mastrole (Mastrole QB).
Gardy will be assisted by NPA East Associate Coach JA Pitching.
Goals: Learn and actively participate in the Tom House Sports pitching/throwing/QB model for health-first, efficient biomechanics. Age-appropriate, cross-specific exercises for each athlete to increase arm speed, accuracy, and safe velocity.
Personal Screening (S.T.A.T) Screen, Test, Assess, Train Report to highlight strengths and weaknesses.
Every player will be given a full assessment of weak points (STAT test results) and a tool kit to address areas of improvement. In addition, each player will receive a professional high speed video with an analysis of their pitching or QB mechanics and recommended corrective actions, exercises and drills.
ATHLETES WILL ALSOM RECEIVE A COMPLETE VELOCITY HEALTH KIT ($175 Value) includes NPA/THS Velo Kit, Elite Cord, 2 S.N.A.P. Bands, 1 Hip Band, 1 mini band with workouts and program. QB ProForm kit ($250) includes the above with 3 custom weighted mini footballs (instead of NPA ball kit), rugby ball and speed racket with 6 week custom program.
The focus is on full body movement patterns to safely increase arm speed
Biomechanics for timing, kinematic sequencing and shoulder/arm movement
Functional strength for ground force production, torque and shoulder/arm strength
Body work for stability, mobility and flexibility
Joint integrity work for durability, then machine work, then free weight work
Aerobic/anaerobic work- daily
S.T.A.T. represents the following:
Screening for Weak Links
Testing for Point in Time Capacity
Accessing for Efficiency of Movement, Strength, and Flexibility
Training for Efficient Movement, Muscle Balance, Velocity, and Neuro-Muscular Speed Thresholds
This is a proprietary screening test created by Tom House Sports that is designed to thoroughly screen where your deficiencies in regards to your ability to generate velocity, so that an athlete can hyper-focus on those strength and conditioning exercises and pitching drills needed to throw harder easier and healthier.
What we are looking for is a balance between acceleration muscles (front side of body) and the deceleration muscles (back side of body). Why is that important? The body cannot accelerate any more than it is capable of decelerating, so if they are not kept in balance, a rotational athlete will not achieve their highest velocity capabilities. They are also much more susceptible to muscle fatigue, chronic soreness, and other rotational deficiencies.